How we respond to mistakes and failures determines how we approach something new the next time.  

I lost my way just recently while I was travelling in Germany. I boarded the wrong train, then, trying the wrong bus and ended up in a different town than planned. I missed an important appointment as a result. At first, I was overwhelmed and embarrassed. Then, as I reflected, I realised:

  • This was an opportunity to learn a new skills: I had to learn the "language" of the German public transport system.
  • It's okay to make mistakes - after all, I am new to this system.
  • I can be more lenient with myself and stop feeling bad about this. I'm okay as I am.

How do you respond to failure? 

Hiking in the Naukluft mountains reminded of overcoming obstacles in life - it takes dedication, training and perseverance.
It is just wonderful to see how a client will work hard to challenge her shyness and lack of self-confidence, no matter what! I can already start seeing results!

Contact me for free checklists on various topics relating to presentations. 



Do you use your strengths to your maximum potential? Or do you allow your weaknesses to drain you? Do you build on the strengths of your staff members or do you keep on hacking on the weaknesses instead?

I found a great tool to identify my strengths and learn to use them more than my weaknesses. I came across this tool during a webinar offered by the VSA and presented by Gunnel Ryner. The profile identifies:
  • My realised strenghts - which I should use wisely
  • Unrealised strenghts - which I will try to use more
  • Learned behaviours - which I should use when needed
  • Weaknesses - which I should use less

How about you? Is it time to focus on yours and your team's strengths?

Here is the link to your free starter profile:

I have been noticing a general fatigue amongst my clients and colleagues, for some time now. Let's admit it - it has been a tough year. And just when we thought things were getting better, here comes another wave which sems to turn things upside down again. And we need to somehow find resilience to cope yet again.

I participated in a "day of stillness" just a few weeks ago. This is what I did:

  • I switched off my phone for the entire day. I informed important people in my life  so that they would not wonder what was going on.
  • I informed my husband that I would like no conversation for the day. He loved it! (Admittedly, we do not have children in the home anymore, that helps!)
  • I turned my couch so it faced a large window looking into the garden.
  • I had a pen and paper ready for when I wanted to make notes.
  • And after a long while of just resting and being quiet, I could finally hear the still and gentle voice of God again!

Becoming quiet goes a long way to build resilience, I found.