Marjorie Hellier, author of Release Your Voice and Find your Personality said: "An even breath keeps the pulse and the mind even."

Perhaps you can identify with this: When I get nervous before a speaking engagement, I tend to become out of breath very quickly. My heart and mind seem to race. Focusing on getting a clear message across is a challenge. 
One of the techniques I teach my clients is to count to 3 on the in- and exhales. It does wonders to calm down nerves and the mind.

See my the resources tab on my website for more exercises.

How well we formulate the words we speak determines how well others understand us.

Perhaps you can identify with this: When I get tired, I tend not to focus on how I speak and easily fall into mumbling along in a sloppy way. I don't use my jaw, lips and tongue to their full capacity. The result: People misunderstand me, or become irritated, because they have to ask me to repeat myself.
Does your speaking sometimes become sloppy around the meeting table? Loosening and moving the lower jaw can help.

Here is a technique that gets your jaw moving: 
  • Every now and then, chew a piece of chewing gum, making sure to move the lower jaw well in this exercise.
  • Imagine chewing something large, just as a cow would ruminate on grass. 

Enjoy the results of speaking more clearly!

During my usual work-out at the Biokinetics studio this week, I did a balancing exercise on a Bosu. Standing on a wobbly surface such as the Bosu, balancing with one leg at a time, reminded me that my life sometimes also feels "wobbly:" Sometimes there is just too much on my plate, or an unexpected crisis throws me off-balance, or there is stress in a relationship.
Wobbly Bosu
Our voice has the tendency to become "wobbly", too, when something unexpected happens. 
Does your life sometimes seems feel "wobbly", Perhaps your voice becomes wobbly, too, during times of stress.

Here is a wonderful technique to help you find your balance again.

The  diaghragmatic breathing technique: 
  • Stand straight and tall, relaxing the shoulders.
  • Place your hands across the midriff and navel.
  • Imagine the breathing process to take place at your lower abdomen.
  • Breathe in and out breathe deeply, imagining the breath to enter and exit at your navel.
Find more exercises in my book, available at local bookstores, on amazon or e-mail me.

How well we use our breath determines how well we speak. 

At times, when the day is hectic or when I am under pressure, I tend to loose my voice. Perhaps you can identify with this: It seems as if the breath I scoop is just not enough to finish the sentence. Or the sound does not come out.

Here is what we can do to overcome this:

  • Before a meeting or presentation, settle down and take a few minutes to take a few deep breaths .This calms any nerves that might get in the way of communicating with confidence.
    Using the deep breaths, do a few humming exercises, warming up your voice.
  • Listen to how your voice improves in quality as you do a few of these exercises.