Marjorie Hellier, author of Release Your Voice and Find your Personality said: "An even breath keeps the pulse and the mind even."
Perhaps you can identify with this: When I get nervous before a speaking engagement, I tend to become out of breath very quickly. My heart and mind seem to race. Focusing on getting a clear message across is a challenge.
One of the techniques I teach my clients is to count to 3 on the in- and exhales. It does wonders to calm down nerves and the mind.
See my the resources tab on my website for more exercises.
Enjoy the results of speaking more clearly!
How well we use our breath determines how well we speak.
At times, when the day is hectic or when I am under pressure, I tend to loose my voice. Perhaps you can identify with this: It seems as if the breath I scoop is just not enough to finish the sentence. Or the sound does not come out.
Here is what we can do to overcome this: